حبو بلادكم

In contemplating Moroccan youth’s fashion choices, a question arises: Why do we embrace symbols that lack a profound connection to our identity? In collaboration with Reinnais and LaFair_Art, we find an answer—a visual symphony harmonizing Moroccan heritage with contemporary design. The central theme urges us to love our country beyond politics, reflecting our collective responsibility to honor our roots. This collaboration bridges tradition with modern expression, reminding us to weave symbols that echo our connection to Morocco’s soul.



عايشين عيشة الدبانة

Introducing our latest collaboration: a stunning tank design by Vermouns and Lafair_Art, paying tribute to the legendary Nass El Ghiwane. With intricate imagery and the inscription “Living the Ant’s Life in the Anthill,” this wearable art embodies the band’s essence. Seamlessly blending design expertise and artistic vision, it celebrates Nass El Ghiwane’s enduring cultural impact and musical legacy. Wear it not just as clothing, but as a statement of resilience and authenticity.




Introducing our Upcycling Peace Jacket, a stylish embodiment of unity and love inspired by the timeless Palestinian keffiyeh. More than just fashion, it symbolizes our commitment to peace. Each stitch tells a story of resilience and hope. Wear it not just as a style statement but as a declaration: we are for peace, understanding, and unity in our world. Join us in making a statement for a harmonious future – one jacket at a time. This isn’t just fashion; it’s a wearable call for a world where love and peace prevail.


نساء الرودانيات يمثلن جذورنا العميقة، رمزاً لصمود يروي قصة شعب بأكمله. في صمتهن حكمة الأجيال، وفي نظراتهن نرى الإصرار على البقاء رغم كل ما يواجههن. إنهن يجسدن القوة الكامنة التي تخرج من قلب البساطة، وتعبر عن العزة التي لا تنحني أمام الصعاب. نتعلم منهن أن التشبث بالهوية والثقافة هو درع يحمي الروح، تماماً كما يستمر البعض في التمسك بأرضهم مهما كانت الظروف.

عندما وضعنا صورهن على قمصاننا، لم نكن نصنع مجرد قطعة ملابس. كنا نكتب رسالة موجهة إلى المستقبل، مفادها أن تراثنا هو فخرنا، وأن الصمود هو خيارنا. في هذا العمل، نعيد الاعتبار لقيمتنا الجماعية، ونؤكد أن الحرية لا تأتي إلا بالتشبث بالجذور، كما تتعلم بعض الشعوب معنى التحرر من خلال التمسك بأرضهم مهما كانت التحديات.

Our Work

Delving into the realm of music visuals, we also lend our expertise as stylists for captivating video clips. Our collaborative journey has included esteemed artists such as Mehdi Qamoum, among others. Experience a glimpse of our work by checking out some featured videos on YouTube channels like /dada/ and /RachidGoudi/. Beyond mere aesthetics, our commitment lies in seamlessly integrating style with the dynamic narratives of music, resulting in visually compelling stories. Join us on this creative odyssey where fashion meets melody, and together, we craft memorable visual experiences.

About us

Welcome to LaFair Art, a unique combination of two distinct meanings: “LaFairai,” the Moroccan marketplace for vintage treasures, and “Art,” the realm of creativity and self-expression. Since our inception in 2017, we have been at the forefront of the evolving fashion landscape, where vintage clothing has become a prevailing trend. We started as purveyors of vintage garments, capitalizing on the fascination with fashion from bygone eras. However, we didn’t stop there. We recognized the opportunity to infuse art into our offerings, resulting in the creation of wearable art pieces within the realm of streetwear. Our mission is to blend the charm of vintage fashion with artistic ingenuity, providing our customers with a unique and captivating style that transcends time. At LaFair Art, we are passionate about sustainable fashion, repurposing vintage clothing to promote conscious consumption and eco-friendly practices. Join us on this creative journey as we redefine fashion and celebrate the beauty of the past with a modern twist.

Fashion’s Green Evolution: The Power of Upcycling and Vintage Resale

The fashion industry, while a significant contributor to the global economy, poses serious environmental and social challenges. Here are some comprehensive statistics shedding light on the staggering volume of clothing contributing to environmental pollution and impacting working conditions:
1.Fashion Waste:
•The United Nations estimates that approximately 92 million tons of clothing are discarded annually, signaling an unsustainable consumption pattern.
2.Water Consumption:
•Clothing production heavily relies on water, with the production of a pair of jeans estimated to consume around 7,600 liters of water.
3.Carbon Emissions:
•The fashion sector contributes to about 10% of the world’s total carbon emissions.
4.Working Conditions:
•In many countries, workers in the garment industry endure inadequate conditions, with insufficient wages and unsafe working environments being common issues.
5.Environmental Cost of Transportation:
•Global supply chains in the fashion industry consume vast amounts of fossil fuels for the transportation of materials and garments, contributing to carbon dioxide emissions.
These statistics underscore the urgent need to shift our approach in the fashion industry towards sustainability. Encouraging initiatives such as upcycling and purchasing used clothing represents positive steps towards reducing environmental pollution and improving working conditions in this vital sector.
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